Clean your rug at home with these easy tips

Before calling a professional rug cleaning service, you can do it yourself it with these trusted common household solutions to help wipe out all kinds of rug and carpet stains

By the way, we know you're busy. And we also know that some stains can be tough to handle. So we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get your rugs cleaned.

That's why we also offer free pickup and delivery, so you don't have to lift a finger. All you have to do is request a free quote on our website, and one of our professional carpet cleaners will contact you as soon as possible. If you ever need to reach us, just call 201-282-2028 (NJ, NY) or 434-995-9141 (VA)

Acid →Alcoholic Drink →Ammonia/Alkali →Beer →Berries →Bleach →Blood →Butter →Candy/Sugar →Candle Wax →Carbon Black →Cat Urine →Charcoal →Chewing Gum →Chocolate/Cocoa →Coffee →Cooking Oil →Cosmetic →Crayon →Crème de Menthe →Dog Urine →Dressing →Dye-blue/black →Egg →Excrement →Fish Slime →Fruit Juice →Furniture Polish →Gravy →Hair Oil →Hair Spray →Hand Lotion →Ice Cream →Ink →Ketchup →Lacquer →Lard →Lipstick →Machine Oil →Mayonnaise →Mercurochrome →Me thiolate →Metal Polish →Milk →Mixed Drinks →Mud →Mustard →Nail Polish →Paint →Perfume →Pet Urine →Red Wine →Rust →Salad →Sauce →Shortening →Soft Drink →Soy Sauce →Starch →Tar →Tea →Tooth Paste →Urine →Varnish/Vaseline →Vomit →Washable ink →Wine →
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Rug Cleaning Guide • 2025